We’re Not a Franchise

More than a few times we’ve been mistaken for a franchise. Our logo graphics and exposure around Omaha have led many to think we’re franchised. Although we take it as a compliment, the truth is we’re not a franchise. We’re simply a locally owned and operated family business that puts everything we have into working hard and conveying a professional appearance. We don’t report to corporate, we report to you – our customer. Our name is always on the line. Taking pride in our craft is what has led us to be considered the go-to company for custom decks in Omaha. When you work with a family-owned business you get a different type of service than can be offered by a franchise.  Some might call it an elite service.


Family businesses like ours employ several family members who have already developed a long-standing chemistry. Our non-family employees quickly take notice and effectively become part of the family. The workplace tends to be less formal, more hands-on, and more personable.  When we’re on a job we’re all on the same page and can effectively communicate with one another and play our individual roles to reach our full potential. We hold each other accountable and encourage each other to get better every day. 

Speed & Accuracy of Service

We know that our names and personal reputations are on the line whenever we interact with a customer or accept a job. Because there are no “higher-ups” to run ideas by, we think of and then implement new ideas within a matter of hours. We don’t have to wade through any bureaucracy. It makes us more efficient and helps us to constantly fine-tune our skills and innovate freely.

Cohesive Values

Everyone wants to work with a business they know they can trust. It can be difficult to find a business that resonates with your values across the board. Family-owned businesses have a leg up on franchises when it comes to trust because the names of their brands are directly associated with their family legacies. Family-owned businesses are known for their dedication to values and traditions. Family business owners have the opportunity to teach and pass along their business and personal values to the next generation. Family members take pride in upholding these family values and build them into their day-to-day work and personal activities. The work culture is often a reflection of these family values.

If you’re looking to get your new deck installed by experts who work like a family unit give us a call today. Our name is behind every job we do.