A Deck is an Outdoor Living Room

The Omaha custom deck builder you hired just finished building your dream deck. Everything matches the design perfectly, and you couldn’t be happier. You thank your deck contractor, and now the fun begins. A deck is not just a deck – it’s an outdoor living space that can become as popular or more popular than your living room.

Get Some Fresh Air and Sun

One of the best things a deck will do for you is to get you outside. It gives you an excuse to soak up some vitamin D and take in some fresh air.  Nothing revitalizes and energizes like getting out of the house and into the elements, even if just for a short period.

The Perfect Place to Entertain

When you have friends and family over a deck provides the perfect setting for entertaining. Everyone feels more energized outside, and the energy will fuel your gathering. The best conversations are had on a porch swing or patio chair. Entertaining in the open space of your deck eliminates claustrophobia and gives guests the open space to feel comfortable.  

Your Second Kitchen

There’s no better place for grilling, smoking, or sautéing than your deck. Cooking in the outdoors eliminates smells in your home, and produces delicious meals everyone loves. From grilling steaks, burgers, and kabobs to slow smoking a brisket your deck is the perfect second kitchen. Dessert? How about roasting some marshmallows using the fire pit? 

Let There Be Light!

Enjoying your deck doesn’t have to stop when the sun goes down. Incorporate low-voltage lights on your deck to enjoy it long into the night. You can add lights along the steps and railing, and even adjustable lighting to set the perfect mood.

Always the Right Temperature

If you get a little chilly, you don’t have to abandon your deck. The addition of a fire pit or patio heaters can keep you comfortable when the temps drop. Sitting in the warmth of a flickering fire and breathing the fresh cool outdoor air is the perfect setting for great conversation.

Make it Comfortable

Don’t forget the furniture! There are more options than lawn chairs when it comes to deck furniture. Outdoor wicker couches and chairs allow you to create a second living room in your backyard. You can even match the cushions to your house.

Start Enjoying Your Outdoor Living Room

There are so many things you can do for your custom deck to make it as cozy and get maximum use out of it. Your deck is a living space, make sure to maximize your enjoyment. If you have questions about how to best utilize your deck, or if you’re ready to start shopping for your deck give us a call today.

(402) 690-1050